Change Your Mowing Height for Summer

You should increase your mowing height for the hot summer months we have in the Houston area. Michael explains in this excerpt from the Houston Grass Podcast. Call us at 281-431-7441 for answers to your questions and a quote for your next project.

Change Your Mowing Height for Summer

We sometimes talk about mowing height. At different times of year you change the mowing height. This is the time of year when you start increasing that mowing height so you can shade the dirt and hold down some of that moisture.

You don’t stress the grass as much when you mow your grass a little higher. You need to make sure you’re mowing at least once a week so you’re not taking more than a third of that leaf tissue at a time.

And it’s very important that you are cutting the lawn using a sharp blade. Look out across your grass and bend down so you see the tops of the blades. If you can see them cut like somebody cut it off with a sharp pair of scissors and it’s a straight cut right off off the top, that’s exactly what you want.

That sharp cut is better for your grass. That blade of grass kind of seals over and it keeps the diseases and stuff out of it.

If you can look down and it looks like somebody, it’s got a real jagged cut to it and it looks like somebody kind of ripped it off, then either you or whoever’s mowing your yard needs to sharpen their blade, and you need to be insistent about that because it can make a lot of difference. And it, of course, it just makes your grass look a whole lot better too, if you’re using a good sharp blade when you cut it.

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