When Should You Fertilize New Sod

Call us at 281-431-7441 for answers to questions about fertilizing your new Houston Grass sod. In this video, Michael talks about when you should fertilize and how much fertilizer you should use.

Summary of When Should You Fertilize New Sod

When do I need to fertilize new sod or when do I need to fertilize new grass? Usually, depending on time of year, we recommend that you wait about one month from the time that it’s been laid down, four to six weeks, and then we recommend that you put out a balanced fertilizer such as a triple 15, or a 15-5-10, or something like that.

Depending on time of year, we recommend that you wait about one month from the time that it’s been laid down, maybe four to six weeks. Then we recommend that you put out a balanced fertilizer such as a triple 15, or a 15-5-10, or something like that.

Michael Romine, Houston Grass

Don’t use a fertilizer that has crazy amounts of nitrogen. The first number is nitrogen of the three numbers that are usually listed on a bag. You just don’t want like a 40-0-0, or something like that, which is just a big dose of nitrogen. All you’re doing is getting a burst of green. You’re trying to get this grass going and established and you’re trying to feed it everything that it needs.

So you want to fertilize new sod about four to six weeks after you’ve laid the grass and you want to follow the directions on the bag, but halve the application rate. If the bag says open your spreader up to 13, you want to put it on 6 and a half. We recommend a half dose of whatever the manufacturer recommends because you’re just trying to give it a little kick in the pants. That’s all you’re trying to do.

Normally you fertilize the St. Augustine grasses at least two to three times a year, the Bermudas maybe a couple more times than that. Bermuda uses a little bit more fertilizer, so to keep it its greenest you might fertilize it a little bit more often.

And there are certain times of year that it’s best to fertilize new sod. I would say early spring and late spring and possibly early fall are times that I like. That’s when I fertilize my own yard. That’s when we fertilize around the office. As far as the new grass goes, I would say four to six weeks after the grass is laid, put a half rate out and really follow the directions on the bag.

Grass is looking great. We had one pallet of emerald zoysia delivered to fill our town home yard and it has established very nicely, even with three dogs! The sections where the dogs do not go have immaculate, deep green, and healthy grass. The sections with the dogs take more maintenance and we had trouble with brown spots, but a follow up call to Houston Grass, an application of fertilizer, and some other dog specific treatments have even the heavy traffic area on track to look fabulous! I would definitely recommend Houston Grass for those looking to install high quality sod (we installed it ourselves, but in they offer installation services as well. Thank you!


Christopher M.

Customer Review – 5/16/20

Always Use a Spreader

Use a spreader. Never, ever just they call it “chicken feeding” the fertilizer, where you just reach in the bag and throw it out with your hand. You see people doing that. That is the world’s worst thing that you can do for your lawn. Maybe it’s okay for flower beds in some instances, but never ever do that with grass. You want to evenly distribute the fertilizer and just use a light dose for that first fertilization.

When Should You Fertilize New Sod - Houston Grass
When Should You Fertilize New Sod – Houston Grass

Depend on Houston Grass for Quality

Our reputation was built over many years by delivering quality grass from our family farm. We also carry a selection of quality lawn products and fertilizers from Nitro-Phos.

Our office is located on the south side of Houston, just off Highway 6 on McKeever Road in Arcola. We’re a few miles east of Sienna Plantation. You can pick up your grass at our office or we can deliver it to your project site. We can also arrange for professional installation services. Call us at 281-431-7441 for answers to your questions and quick quotes for your project.

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