What are Grass Sod Prices at Houston Grass

Michael talks about the difference between grass sod prices for Raleigh St. Augustine and Bermuda grasses and the other grass varieties we carry at Houston Grass. Our Pricing page always has the current prices. Please call 281-431-7441 for a quote and answers to your questions.

Summary of the Grass Sod Prices at Houston Grass

Hi, I’m Michael with Houston Grass. Today, we want to talk a little bit about pricing. That obviously comes up a lot when folks are looking for information about grass.

We don’t like to put exact grass sod prices on the videos because we update the videos less frequently than we do our price sheet that we have on our website. If you’ll look on our website, there’s always an updated tab that talks about our pricing and tells you exactly about each type of grass we have and how much it costs, and how much the pieces are for the St. Augustine. And if there’s ever any changes, that is updated immediately, so you can always refer to that.

But I will talk kind of in some generalities about the pricing differences between the grasses that we carry, and also talk a little bit about how we decide delivery prices and our installation prices which people are interested in as well.

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So just generally speaking, the Raleigh St. Augustine, and the two Bermudas that we carry, the Tifway 419 and the Texturf 10, those are our our cheapest grasses, so to speak. They are the grasses we sell the most, and it’s what our farm is comprised of primarily.

Currently, we are late summer early fall of 2022, usually if there are pricing changes, those take place the beginning of spring, late February, early March. So that’s when the farm will let us know what pricing increases there will be, if any, and then we pass those price increases along.

So this year there were some pretty significant price increases because of the price of diesel and the price of fertilizer went through the roof, I’m sure everybody saw that in the news, so some of those prices had to be passed along as well.

Back to the difference in the grasses here — the Raleigh and the Bermuda. The Bermudas are at the cheaper end and then the Palmetto St. Augustine, which is the grass that you would use if you had some shade issues, is $40 more. I would say that’s probably been that way for years, I don’t see that changing, when the price of one goes up, the other goes up as well. So I suspect that difference will probably remain about the same.

Zoysia Grass Sod Prices

And then the three Zoysias we carry are the same price. There’s two fine-bladed Zoysias, the Emerald and the Cavalier, and then the coarser-bladed Zoysia is the Palisades Zoysia. They are $75 more than the Raleigh and the Bermudas. So just to give you an idea of the differences in those grasses anyway.

Quality Second to None at Competitive Prices

Anyway, I just wanted to touch on grass sod prices a little bit. It’s obviously something we get asked a lot. We can’t just say this grass is this much, and this grass is this much, because it changes. We want the video as updated as possible. So you can always check our website pricing page, and those grass sod prices will always be up to date. So anyways, that is what we have here, thanks for watching. Please call us at 281-431-7441 for answers to your questions and a quote for your project.

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