How to Use Nitro-Phos Weed & Feed with Atrazine 15-5-10

In this video, Houston Grass Owner Michael Romine talks about our recommended spring fertilizer for St. Augustine grass — the Nitro-Phos Weed and Feed with Atrazine. Call us at 281-431-7441 with your questions.

Spring Fertilizer Guide – How to Use Nitro-Phos Weed & Feed with Atrazine

Hi, I’m Michael with Houston Grass, and today I would like to talk about some of our fertilizers, in particular, the spring fertilizer containing Atrazine, known as the Nitro Phos Weed and Feed 15-5-10. It uses Atrazine as its active ingredient to kill broadleaf weeds, such as clovers.

Please note that Atrazine should not be used on Bermuda or Zoysia grass. It is intended for Saint Augustine grass. For Zoysia, Bermuda, and Saint Augustine grass, Weed and Feed with Trimec can be used instead.

Apply it to a freshly mowed lawn or one that is not too tall. After application, water it thoroughly. This activates the chemical to kill the weeds, and the fertilizer itself promotes a healthy green-up of your lawn.

However, be cautious with Atrazine as the active ingredient. I would not recommend using it year after year because it could be harmful to your oak trees and other plants. Atrazine does its job well, but it is a chemical that needs to be taken very seriously. If you have any questions, please give us a call at 281-431-7441.

Cobalt St. Augustine will be available again in the spring.